If you are not interested to continue disney+ then you can cancel disney plus Subscription anytime. But if you cancel the subscription you will loose all the acces of your saved content which will automatically deleted. if still you want to continue then let’s Go.
How To Cancel a Disney Plus Subscription on TV
Way 1 – First, Log in to Your Disney Plus account on a smartphone or Laptop.
Way 2 – Second, Click or tap your profile first, then your account.
Way 3 – Third, Select your subscription from your Subscribe section.
Way 4 – Last, Click or tap to cancel your subscription.
Once you click on cancel button your all subscription will be ended automatically.
Cancel Disney Plus on iPhone, iPad, or MAC
To cancel Disney Plus Subscription on all IOS devices:
→ Open Settings →Tap on Profile icon (You Name) →Tap Subscriptions.→>Choose for Disney Plus subscription. →>Tap Cancel Subscription. Enter Your Passcode or Verify with Your Face ID and Done.
Cancel Disney Plus Subscription on All Android Phones:
To Cancel Subscription from Disney+ try this navigation. Let’s Start:
→ >Open Google Play Store →> Tap the profile icon →>Tap Subscriptions and payments and subscriptions →>Choose Disney Plus →>Tap Cancel subscription→> Enter your Password, then Press on ‘Confirm’ button. Done.
Canceling Disney Plus on a PC or Laptop:
You can also cancel your Disney Plus from PC OR Laptop anytime, try these navigation below:
For Mac → >Open Your Mac → >Go to the App Store → > Tap on Profile Name → >Account Setting → >Go to the Subscriptions → > Click Manage → >Click the Edit option → >Cancel Subscription.
For Windows, → >Go to Microsoft Store → > Your Name Profile icon→ > Pay and Subscriptions Subscriptions → >Choose to Manage → > Click Cancel subscription → >Select the reason for cancellation → > Finish.